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Use cases are a great way to explore how other people are using CrossPrep's project management platform to organize and deliver on their ideas.

People use CrossPrep to: 

Manage complex software development projects,  share a file,  plan a wedding,  manage a marketing campaign,  start a business,  plan an anniversary,  plan a vacation, business account management, create a bucket list,  manage a home remodel,  plan for college,  organize a job search,  organize a recruiting effort,  manage your kids sports schedules,  run a research project,  plan and manage a marketing event, create a business... 

We can't wait to see what you will accomplish!

Tutorials are a fantastic way to get the most out of CrossPrep.

For example;  Multiple Personas is something you have probably not seen before.  It's also one of our coolest features.  Mix personal AND work AND whatever else you like.

There are several other exceptional unique capabilities you will want to understand as you get going.  Be sure to checkout how we help you control and centralize your all of your other communication and social channels.

If you think of something we missed let us know!

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