We have started to receive many sales and business development type pitches. As a standing policy I/we try to respond to all requests. I have spent a lot of time pitching others and have great respect for those who generate revenue and opportunities. I also understand that in the prospecting phase of a pitch it's a numbers game and not always practical to dig into every company before contacting your potential prospects. However, in the case of CrossPrep we only do business with people who are active and passionate users.
Image you were a founder of LinkIn, Facebook, Slack, or some other wide market socially oriented productivity platform, in the early days. Now image someone coming to you with a pitch about how they want to work with you - who has not used your platform. I suspect for most people that pitch would fall flat. How can you propose a solution if you don't have any experience with what's going on now? For us we have made a conscious business choice to only work with people who are actively using the platform. As you come to understand what CrossPrep can do, I imagine that will make complete sense.
Here's the type of prospecting pitch that will get our attention and excite us to have a serious conversation:
I came across CrossPrep and am using it now to...
I can also image it would be great for...
I'm in the business of...
I'd like to discuss working with CrossPrep to specifically accomplish / enhance / grow...
If you decide to pitch us and do it like that we will happily take the meeting. We're looking for business 'partners' who have actually experienced CrossPrep and are enthusiastic about the possibilities.